12¢ Archie
8.5Out of Ten

Review: 12¢ Archie

"I half-wonder that if Beaty's book had come out a decade ago, would Archie Comics have made the changes they did, or would they have instead just used 12¢ Archie as a company Bible?" Twelve-Cent...
She Makes Comics

Fanthropology: No Genre Preferences

I just watched the new documentary She Makes Comics, directed by Marisa Stotter. It's a look at the history of comics specifically through the perspective of women in the medium. Not surprisingly, it features...

Fanthropology: Fanzine Archives

In the days before the internet, fans often got their news and communicated with each other via fanzines. It was cost-prohibitive to try to earn any money in any sort of mass market approach, so there were no...
Fantastic Four

Webcomics Wednesday: Dive In!

I first started reading webcomics about ten years ago. I had been enjoying Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius in its printed form (I was actually a fan of Phil's going back to his days working on "What's...