Realm Of The Underworld Slimed Drones Review Lemonjuice McGee Dec 28, 2015 Toys Upon opening up the baggie filled with slime that came with each figure in Zoloworld's Realm Of The Underworld Series Slimed Drones, the familiar...
Swords, Sorcery, And Slime: Dungeon Demon Prince Algor Lemonjuice McGee Oct 26, 2015 Toys For toy collectors and customizers, having your own action figure has most likely been something fantasized about while holding the latest piece of...
The 80s Live On In REALM OF THE UNDERWORLD Series 2.5! Lemonjuice McGee May 6, 2015 Toys If there was one thing I loved (and that my parents loathed) while growing up in the 1980s, it was slime. That's right, the gooey, gelatinous,...