Saving Christmas

Fanthropology: PR Backfire!

You've no doubt seen something like this happen: a group tries to initiate a public relations campaign online to try to improve their popularity, only to have it tremendously backfire. Just in the past few...
8Out of Ten

Shamsee Review

"Tartwater does an excellent job in essentially setting her main character along the Fool's Journey without really replicating the classical path characters often take there." Shamsee: A Fistful of...
Satan's Prep
7Out of Ten

Satan’s Prep Review

"I was impressed that Guarente was able to start with Trevor being a disconnected, unlikeable ass, and still make a decent transition to a character than readers can actually root for." Satan's...
Spaceman Jax

Spaceman Jax Review

"I don't think I've seen anyone go to the lengths that Curio & Co. have gone, and certainly no one who's done such a thorough and well-executed job." Spaceman Jax Publisher: Curio &...