The newly relaunched Marvel Comics series Ultimate Spider-Man from the creative team of Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto, David Messina, Matthew Wilson, and Cory Petit has been receiving rave reviews–and deservedly so. This look at a married Peter Parker with kids who gains his spider powers later in life has been a breath of fresh air so far. Also a breath of fresh air has been the reimagining of Peter’s world, including his family, coworkers–and villains. This May, one of Spider-Man’s most iconic adversaries is getting a new look–the brilliant, often mad Otto Octavius, better known as Doctor Octopus! How will Otto figure into this Peter Parker’s world? We’ll have to wait until next month on May 29 to find out!
In the meantime, check out the teaser image that Marvel released today of his upcoming inaugural appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man #5, as well as the issue description, publication info, and a look at the cover of the issue!
From Marvel’s press release:
On May 29, one of Spidey’s most terrifying foes makes his Ultimate Universe debut!
Get a sneak peek at Jonathan Hickman and David Messina’s ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #5, the next issue in Hickman and Marco Checchetto’s expectations-shattering new run!
And from the official issue description:
THE SECRET HISTORY OF HARRY OSBORN! How does the heir apparent of Oscorp become a masked vigilante? And what does Green Goblin know of the true status of the world he lives in? All and more will be revealed!
And the cover for Ultimate Spider-Man #5: