Earlier this year, Dark Horse Comics released the first volume of creator Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy, focusing on two characters who pine for emotional relief: from grief, from regret, or from a deep existential emptiness. A young girl named Amy has to cope with being wrenched from everything she’s ever known after waking up from cryogenic sleep 30 years later. Meanwhile, a silver-haired boy wrestles with an emptiness in his core that is seemingly inconsolable. Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy explores how these two—and, by extension, the reader—cope with sadness and possibly grow from it.
With Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 2 going on sale in the direct market on October 31st and the book market on November 13th, we’re excited and proud to present these exclusive preview pages from the upcoming graphic novel!
From the official description of the graphic novel:
To Amy, everyone has a flavor. Jemmah, her best friend from the colony, is the flavor of pineapple and jalapeno. Cassie, from Earth, is like red pepper.
After being forced to leave her space-colony home when her dad was fired, Amy starts to adapt to a new life on Earth. High school seems difficult at first, but a close group of friends begin to make the transition easy for Amy, and she finds herself falling down a rabbit hole in her relationship with the mysterious, flavorless Oliver.