Marvel Drops 21 New AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Character Posters Jed W. Keith Apr 5, 2018 Movies We're less than a month away from the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War, and while most everyone who adores the films of the Marvel Cinematic...
Strap In, Y’all! The First Official GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 2 Trailer Has Landed! Jed W. Keith Dec 3, 2016 Trailers In this age of superhero sequels, pulling off a successful sophomore act is a hit-or-miss proposition. For every The Dark Knight, there's an Iron...
The First GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Trailer Has Us Hooked on a Feeling! Jed W. Keith Oct 19, 2016 Trailers Director James Gunn, despite being bombarded on the daily with clamors from fans about the wherefores and whys as to when we'll see the...
New WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER: FIRST DAY OF CAMP Featurette Shows How Ageless Paul Rudd Is Jed W. Keith Jul 27, 2015 TV Seriously, Paul Rudd doesn't age. The dude is 46-years-old and he doesn't look a day past 30. His skin pores are gloriously unclogged. Is the guy a...
The WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER: FIRST DAY OF CAMP Trailer Will Make You Believe in Magic Jed W. Keith Jul 2, 2015 TV Summer ain't over kids, not by a longshot. And to remind you that there's still time to make bad decisions, spill your hearts to your crushes only to...