Brian Azzarello & Nick Floyd Get Brutal in ALPHA KING Jed W. Keith Apr 27, 2016 Comic Books A tale of a pale ale so miraculous in its flavor that a horde of monsters take notice isn’t your typical story pitch, but then Brian Azzarello...
Preview: DARK KNIGHT UNIVERSE PRESENTS: GREEN LANTERN #1 Jed W. Keith Jan 14, 2016 Comic Books Superhero-types can be strange ducks. If they're not swinging through the streets of New York in red and blue spandex, they're living on emerald...
2015 Comic Book Year in Review Jed W. Keith Dec 29, 2015 Comic Reviews 2015 has been an exciting year to be a comic book fan, casual or otherwise. With increasingly more publishers getting into the digital game and media...
10Out of 10 Advance Review: DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE #1 Jed W. Keith Nov 23, 2015 Comic Books Review: Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 "Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 is not only a commentary on the nature of legacy, but of the...
Artist Andy Kubert Swings Into THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE Jed W. Keith Nov 4, 2015 Comic Books The long-awaited third installment in creator Frank Miller's Dark Knight trilogy, The Dark Knight III: The Master Race from DC Comics, will take...
Batman, Bruce Wayne, and Culpability Jed W. Keith Sep 26, 2015 Comic Books First of all, Happy Batman Day! Hopefully, you’re all gathered around your Batman tree singing carols such as “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells” and...
DARK KNIGHT III Retailer Variant Covers from Jae Lee and Sean Murphy Revealed! Jed W. Keith Sep 11, 2015 Comic Books While DC Comics hasn't given us a wealth of details about Dark Knight III: The Master Race, the final chapter of Frank Miller's Dark Knight saga...