Interview: Jim Zub Forges the Path for the New CONAN THE BARBARIAN Comic Series! Jed W. Keith May 11, 2023 Comic Books Since his creation by Robert E. Howard nearly a century ago, first appearing in Weird Tales magazine in 1932, the Cimmerian hero known as Conan the...
“Conan vs. The Terminator”: David Pepose on SAVAGE AVENGERS Jed W. Keith May 17, 2022 Comic Books Since its inception, Marvel Comics’ Savage Avengers rested on a unique premise of Conan the Barbarian (yes, that Conan the Barbarian) teaming up...
Jason Momoa to Possibly Play THE CROW in Reboot, Apparently Jed W. Keith Aug 11, 2016 Movies The first iteration of The Crow hit the silver screen just as the 1994 summer movie season was getting underway. Based on the beloved comic book...