C’est la Guerre Review – Berlin: The Seven Dwarves Ensley Guffey Jun 8, 2017 Comic Reviews Marvano’s juxtaposition of the sun-drenched fields of England and the explosion-ripped pitch of the nights above Berlin is beautiful and...
C’est la Guerre Advanced Review: The Lost Fleet: Corsair #1 Ensley Guffey May 25, 2017 Comic Reviews I’m adding The Lost Fleet: Corsair to my pull list, and if you dig military SF, I suggest you do the same. The Lost Fleet: Corsair #1,...
C’est la Guerre Advanced Review: The Forever War #4 Ensley Guffey May 11, 2017 Comic Reviews The Forever War is brutal, beautiful, and utterly sublime. Haldeman and Marvano are creating must-read comics with every issue, and providing a...
Advanced Review: Joe Lansdale & Sam Glanzman’s Red Range. Ensley Guffey Apr 21, 2017 Books, Comic Reviews Red Range is a wild, weird, woolly, and imperfect ride, but definitely one that’s worth taking, blending genres in a way that is dizzying and...
C’est la Guerre: Barefoot Gen Ensley Guffey Mar 30, 2017 Comic Reviews Barefoot Gen is the howl of the grass under the elephants’ feet, and a heartbreakingly eloquent plea for peace and life in a world consumed by...
C’est la Guerre Review: REDLINE #1 Ensley Guffey Mar 15, 2017 Comic Reviews Redline (Oni Press) presents a darkly hilarious future that looks way too much like our present military quagmires, and is one of the best new...
C’est la Guerre: Joe Haldeman & Marvano on The Forever War Ensley Guffey Feb 23, 2017 Comic Books Thirty years after its first appearance in Europe, Joe Haldeman and Marvano’s The Forever War – a graphic adaptation of Haldeman’s Hugo,...
C’est la Guerre Review: The Forever War #1 Ensley Guffey Feb 16, 2017 Comic Reviews The Forever War starts strong, and does an incredible job of foregrounding the all too human soldiers who find themselves part of a military and on...
C’est la Guerre Advanced Review: World of Tanks: Roll Out #5 Ensley Guffey Feb 2, 2017 Comic Reviews World of Tanks: Roll Out! #5 provides a great end to the limited run, with plenty of action and a beautifully realized, unexpected dose of...
C’est la Guerre Preview – World of Tanks: Roll Out! #4 Ensley Guffey Jan 5, 2017 Comic Books, Comic Reviews Fast paced and historically accurate, World of Tanks: Roll Out! delivers a fast-paced story, gorgeous and gritty art, and doesn’t shy away from...