C’est la Guerre: Madaya Mom Ensley Guffey Dec 22, 2016 Comic Reviews Done right, graphic journalism and historiography can be an extraordinarily powerful means of getting to the truth about events, as it is in Joe...
C’est la Guerre: Such a Lovely Little War: Saigon 1961-63 Ensley Guffey Dec 8, 2016 Books, Comic Reviews Such a Lovely Little War is a remarkable graphic novel that engages both heart and head, and Truong’s artwork provides an abstracted realism that...
C’est la Guerre: Post-War Comics Ensley Guffey Nov 24, 2016 Books, Comic Books Over the past 60 years the kinds of wars fought by the United States and its allies have changed dramatically. After a brief period of major combat...
C’est la Guerre – USS STEVENS: THE COLLECTED STORIES Ensley Guffey Sep 15, 2016 Art, Books, Comic Books Cover of USS Stevens: The Collected Stories, art by Sam Glanzman. Sam Glanzman’s USS Stevens: The Collected Stories (Dover Publications, 2016)...
C’est la Guerre: David Lavery, 1949 – 2016 Ensley Guffey Sep 1, 2016 Books, Movies, News, TV Dr. David Lavery, chairing a panel at SCW5 in Vancouver, BC, 2014. Dr. David Lavery, Professor of English and Director of the Graduate...
C’est la Guerre – Garth Ennis Presents: Battle Classics, Volume 2 Ensley Guffey Aug 18, 2016 Books, Comic Books, Comic Reviews Cover of Titan Comics' Battle Classics, Volume 2. Art by Cam Kennedy. Titan Comics is on a mission. Fortunately, part of that mission is...
C’est la Guerre: Black Cat Comics in Salt Lake City Ensley Guffey Aug 4, 2016 Comic Books, Lifestyle Black Cat Comics. This all began as a clever attempt to combine business with pleasure. I was vacationing in Utah, and knew that this column was...
C’est la Guerre – Johnny Red, Vol. 4: The Flying Gun Ensley Guffey Jul 21, 2016 Comic Books, Comic Reviews Cover for Johnny Red, Vol.4: The Flying Gun art by John Cooper. In 2004, Titan Books began collecting and reprinting British war comics of the...
C’est la Guerre – Indeh: A Story of the Apache Wars Ensley Guffey Jul 7, 2016 Art, Books, Comic Books, Comic Reviews Indeh: A Story of the Apache Wars. Art by Greg Ruth Previews Magazine is pretty much a permanent part of my pull list. There are a few reasons...
C’est la Guerre – The Punisher: Born Ensley Guffey Jun 23, 2016 Comic Reviews Generally speaking this correspondent doesn’t get to write about mainstream superheroes. For all of the fighting the capes and tights crowd does...