Nick Seluk on the LARS THE AWKWARD YETI Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Nov 23, 2020 Comic Books If you’ve been on the Internet at all or scroll through social media in the slightest, chances are that you’ve encountered creator Nick Seluk’s...
Peter Ricq on His GHOSTS ARE PEOPLE TOO Kickstarter Jed W. Keith Oct 29, 2020 Books It’s been a rough year, hasn’t it? We talk about the exhaustion that has come with 2020 so frequently with one another, watch it on the news,...
Justin Jordan & John Amor on Their URBAN ANIMAL Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Oct 19, 2020 Comic Books Pop culture is ripe with coming-of-age tales, but few in recent years have been as compelling, novel, and heartfelt as the Webtoon series Urban...
Lance Briggs & Kyle Higgins on their Kickstarter for THE TRAP Graphic Novel! Jed W. Keith Oct 7, 2020 Comic Books What are the pitfalls and traps that hamper our lives and hold us back? How do our personal experiences impact whether we excel or fall? These...
Emilia “Pipilia” Ojala on Her FOX FIRES Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Sep 22, 2020 Comic Books In her LINE Webtoon series Fox Fires, Creator Emilia “Pipilia” Ojala has created a tale steeped in Finnish folklore that brings high energy and...
Be a Walk-on in a Comic Book with the NOCTERRA Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Sep 9, 2020 Comic Books Comic fans—and, most likely, some non-comic fans—have often thought about what it’d be like to be featured in the funny book pages. Writer...
Gamal Hennessy Chats About His New Book on the Comic Business Jed W. Keith Sep 3, 2020 Books People need to know their rights in whatever business venture they pursue, and comic book creating is no exception. Gamal Hennessy is an...
Leeanne “Mongie” Krecic on Her LET’S PLAY Volume 2 Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Sep 2, 2020 Comic Books We’re big fans of Leeanne “Mongie” Krecic’s LINE Webtoon webcomic Let’s Play, if you caught our interview with the artist during her...
NOCTERRA Kickstarter Adds Print Rewards from Jock, Francis Manapul, & BossLogic Jed W. Keith Sep 1, 2020 Comic Books Writer Scott Snyder and artist Tony S. Daniel’s Kickstarter for their Nocterra Collector’s Edition has already almost quadrupled its initial...
Thom Zahler Talks Couples & Comedy in His CUPID’S ARROWS Kickstarter! Jed W. Keith Aug 25, 2020 Comic Books Getting folks to fall in love is hardly a one-person job… which is why two-person hit teams seem more of a better fit to get people together....