Exclusive Preview: PUNK MAMBO #3 Jed W. Keith May 30, 2019 Comic Books Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Adam Gorham’s Punk Mambo for Valiant Entertainment has been a cavalcade of punk and pyrotechnics since its first...
Exclusive Preview: FAITH: DREAMSIDE #3 Jed W. Keith Nov 5, 2018 Comic Books The question of the "Great Next," what lies beyond life once ours has ended, is one that humans have ruminated on, written countless stories about,...
Exclusive Preview: NINJA-K #12 Jed W. Keith Sep 15, 2018 Comic Books Since the Ninja-K relaunch, writer Christos Gage has been balancing the different tones that the concept of the Ninja Programme allows with...
Christos Gage Travels to the Cold War Era in NINJA-K #10 Jed W. Keith Jun 6, 2018 Comic Books Since the Ninja-K relaunch, writer Christos Gage has used the series not just the titular character, but how he fits into the larger tapestry of...
Exclusive Preview: NINJA-K #10 Jed W. Keith May 7, 2018 Comic Books Since the Ninja-K relaunch, writer Christos Gage has been exploring not only the titular character, but other past members of the Ninja Programme....
Exclusive Preview: VALIANT HIGH #2 Jed W. Keith Mar 6, 2018 Comic Books Writer Daniel Kibblesmith and artist Derek Charm’s Valiant High, the team’s fun and engaging take on Valiant’s heroes as teens, has made the...
Exclusive Preview: ARMSTRONG AND THE VAULT OF SPIRITS #1 Jed W. Keith Jan 31, 2018 Comic Books Immortals tend to accumulate a wide array of stories throughout the course of their many years, especially if you're a character like Valiant's...
“James Bond as a Ninja”: Writer Christos Gage on NINJA-K Jed W. Keith Dec 26, 2017 Comic Books Valiant's Ninjak is one of Valiant Entertainment's most beloved comic characters, a fan favorite for the way that the concept straddles and blurs a...
Exclusive Preview: FAITH AND THE FUTURE FORCE #4 Jed W. Keith Sep 22, 2017 Comic Books On Wednesday, October 18th, Faith and the Future Force #4, written by Jody Houser with Cary Nord on art, hits newsstands, the exciting, break-neck...
Comics to Feed Your Eyeholes for August 30, 2017 Jed W. Keith Aug 29, 2017 Comic Books Wednesday is New Comic Book Day, the comic fan’s holy day of the week! Here are a few books that are giving us good vibrations. Image+ Volume 2...