You gotta hand it to the Joker, he’s one crazy s.o.b.! Get it? “Hand It”?! Huh? You haven’t read Batman #39 yet? Then get to it! It scores the number one position the Top 10 Comics of the Week list as Snyder and Capullo’s “Endgame” keeps the Dark Knight on his toes as he’s slowly coming to terms with the idea that the Joker might be more akin to a force of nature than just a simple whacked-out maniac.
This Week’s List:
10. Suiciders #1
9. Daredevil #13
8. TMNT Ongoing #43
7. Darth Vader #2
6. Thor Annual #1
5. D4VE #1
4. Spider-Gwen #1
3. Criminal Special Edition One-Shot
2. Men Of Wrath #5
1. Batman #39
Check out the video in the above pop-up player, or if you’re having trouble HERE is the direct link.
Do you agree with the Top 10 Comics of the Week list? Was there something I missed? Does it make you wanna puke all over your keyboard thanks to a blaring omission– a travesty of comic book justice?! Well, sound off in the comments!
Video shot, edited, and cradled like a dumpster baby by: Tyler Whitaker