The Princess & the Pony

Webcomics Wednesday: Whither News

I caught part of an online discussion recently where folks were bemoaning the lack of manga coverage on the larger comic news sites. Not only were they disappointed in not seeing more, but they also felt as if...
Cubs Man Cave

Fanthropology: The Sports Fan Myth

Sportswriter John Tunis identified what he called The Great Sports Myth in his book $port$: Heroics and Hysterics. Tunis pointed out that the idea that if only you worked hard enough and practiced that you...
Fantastic Four #76

Fanthropology: Librarianship

When I first started collecting comic books as a boy, the small size of my collection, coupled with the limited resources I had to spend on it, made it pretty easy to keep track of what I had. I could go...
Disney MagicBands

Fanthropology: Extreme Fandom

I'm not a big fan of Disney. Don't get me wrong, I've watched and enjoyed many of their shows and movies over the years, but I just don't follow the goings-on of the company or any of the characters they...

Webcomics Wednesday: The Debut

I recently read a review of Noelle Stevenson's Nimona that cited it as her debut graphic novel. And it got me thinking about that notion of a debut. Stevenson's story was actually her senior thesis at...