Sean Kleefeld is an independent researcher whose work has been used by the likes of Marvel Entertainment, Titan Books and 20th Century Fox. He writes the ongoing “Incidental Iconography” column for The Jack Kirby Collector and had weekly “Kleefeld on Webcomics” and "Kleefeld's Fanthropology" columns for MTV Geek. He’s also contributed to Alter Ego, Back Issue and Comic Book Resources. Kleefeld’s 2009 book, Comic Book Fanthropology, addresses the questions of who and what comic fans are. He blogs daily at
Last week, Sophie LaBelle's website was hacked, and much of the art was replaced with Nazi imagery. Her home address was posted on a variety of neo-Nazi forums, and she began receiving literally thousands of...
At a webcomics panel at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this past weekend, Michael DeForge noted that where he used to have a pretty straight-forward and direct communication between himself and some of his...
One of the long-standing rules of webcomics has been that a creator needs to figure out how often they can post content, announce that on their site, and then stick to it. Whether the comic was updated daily,...
If you're a fan of pretty much anything these days, I should think it would be hard to have not noticed the rise of subscription box services. For a monthly fee, you'll receive a box in the mail every month...
This year's Eisner Award nominations were announced earlier this week and, after over a decade, they've finally split out webcomics and digital comics as two distinct categories! If you've been reading my work...
I was talking with some very knowledge comics folks this weekend, and the question of why more creators don't solicit advice and feedback from people who've already gone through it came up. Particularly when...
When I was a kid, the Cedar Point theme park had a dark ride entitled Earthquake, loosely based on the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Guests would sit in a Model-T and be guided through quaint early 20th...
I attended a reasonably large meeting yesterday, and since it was a diverse group of folks who, by and large, had never met one another, they started the meeting with introductions and an ice breaker. Each...
You're probably reading this column in English. That's certainly the language I'm using to write it. Despite taking a few years of Spanish in high school and a semester of ASL, English is the only language I...
One of the more viral news items from last week was a new ad featuring Kendall Jenner. The ad itself didn't go viral so much as the negative reactions to it. I won't rehash all the ways the ad came across as...