This Wednesday, Astro City #40, written by Kurt Busiek with Carmen Carnero, hits newsstands, featuring Marta negotiating a contract between the Silver Adept and a demigod–always a precarious scenario, to be sure! Check out these preview pages that DC Comics/Vertigo was kind enough to share!

ASTRO CITY #40 cover

ASTRO CITY #40 cover

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ASTRO CITY #40 page 5

Astro City #40, written by Kurt Busiek with Carmen Carnero on art, is out this Wednesday from Vertigo Comics.

From the official issue description:

Life on Shadow Hill gets a bit more complicated when Marta has to handle a contract matter between the Silver Adept and an extradimensional demigod! On the other hand, she gets to watch baseball with ghosts. Also featuring the Hanged Man.