This Wednesday, December 27th, Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #12, written by Peter David with Will Sliney on art, hits newsstands, with The Slingers acting as stingers and thorns in Ben’s side! Will the erstwhile Scarlet Spider be able to evade The Slingers’ grasp and clear up any misunderstandings between them? Check out these preview pages that Marvel was kind enough to share!
One thing that David excels at doing with his writing in whatever project he tackles is taking disparate, sometimes long-forgotten pieces of lore from a character’s past and folding them into a current story in a way that’s both cohesive and novel. That sensibility is certainly on display in Scarlet Spider and the reintroduction of The Slingers. Sliney’s linework complements David’s words beautifully, a mix of moodiness and superhero fanfare, a line that the book routinely straddles with ease.
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #12, written by Peter David with WIll Sliney on art, goes on sale Wednesday, December 27th, from Marvel Comics.
From the official issue description:
THE SLINGERS RETURN Part 3! Not one to miss a party, PRODIGY shows his face in Vegas and reunites with the rest of the Slingers! But whose side will the reformed team fall on?