Since his first appearance on Howdy Doody 62 years ago, Gumby and his clay pals have been a delight and a balm, a fun respite and a ray of sunshine in an often gray-covered world. Whether you know Gumby, Pokey, and the gang from those early Howdy Doody appearances or in latter-day animated series such as Gumby Adventures, the green, flexible ball of joy has been a pop culture staple for decades. The cast of characters might be one of the most fleshed-out in animation history, with Gumby and his extended family and friends growing exponentially over time, introducing Gumby’s parents, pets, and siblings as the years marched on. Add to that animators who aren’t afraid to get weird–look at Goo and the Blockheads, for crying out loud–and a penchant to use the series to explore different locales and eras of history, and it’s no wonder that whoever looks back at Gumby looks at him fondly.
Last month, Papercutz helped usher Gumby back to the forefront with his own eponymous comic book series with Gumby #1, showcasing the character and his world for a new generation of readers. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 23rd, Gumby #2 goes on sale, featuring the aforementioned Goo, as well as classic clay folk as Prickle, Nopey, and Lowbelly! Check out these exclusive preview pages from Gumby #2 that Papercuts was kind enough to share!
Seriously, you have Gumby and company. You have the Louvre. You have hidden art jokes. And a talking dinosaur. What else do you need?
Gumby #2, with a cast of creators including Jeff Whitman, Jolyon Yates, Mike Kazaleh, and Sholly Fisch, goes on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 23rd, from Papercutz.
From the official issue description:
Gumby is ready to enjoy a relaxing picnic in the park with his friends. But all that goes awry when his Dinosaur/Dragon pal, Prickle, announces their dear friend Goo is missing! Gumby and his dogs, Nopey and Lowbelly, are on the case! But how flexible can Gumby be when all clues lead to France? Sacrébleu! Goo! Also featuring more stories of the flexible green gumbino told by today’s top storytellers such as Sholly Fisch and Jolyon Yates!