This Wednesday, Vertigo SFX #4, the final installment of Vertigo Comics’ latest anthology series, hits newsstands, featuring short stories all with the running inspiration of gunfire, explosions, and the creation of all things! Check out these exclusive preview pages of the anthology’s final issue that DC Comics was kind enough to share!
This anthology series is brimming with talent that has made reading the stories an enormous treat and the preview pages suggest that the tales will come to satisfying, captivating conclusions. This has been one of my favorite Vertigo titles and I’m a bit sad to see it end, but I’m hopeful for what future yarns the imprint will spin in further installments.
Vertigo SFX #4 from Vertigo/DC Comics will hit comic book stands on Wednesday!
From the official issue description:
Vertigo’s latest anthology series goes out with a BANG! Quite a few of them, in fact. The last issue of SFX gathers short stories inspired by the sound of gunfire, the popping of balloons, the kick of a drum and even the origin of the universe itself. It doesn’t get any bigger than that!