This Wednesday, Fables: The Wolf Among Us, written by Dave Justus and Matthew Sturges with Shawn McManus on art, hits the the Internet for digital download, starring characters from writer Bill Willingham’s beloved series of fairytales running amok! Check out these exclusive preview pages that DC Comics was kind enough to share!
One of the beautiful things about this tale, aside from mourning fans getting a chance to snatch a taste of Willingham’s world with Fables recently ended series, is how Justus and Sturges’ words marry so well with McManus’s pencils. The dialogue seems fitting coming out of the characters dwelling in the moody atmosphere that McManus has created. The folks peopling the fairytale world have a weight and heft about them that makes their feet planted in that sometimes-ethereal ground.
Fables: The Wolf Among Us will be available for download on this Wednesday via the DC Comics App,, iBooks,, Google Play, Kindle Store, Nook Store, and iVerse ComicsPlus!