The Marvel/Netflix news keeps powerin’ forward. During the first day of the San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel and Netflix released the first real look at actor Mike Colter in action as the indestructible hero and star of this September’s Luke Cage. While we were first introduced to Luke in live-action form during the first season of Jessica JonesLuke Cage will give Colter and the cast and crew to really explore the “Sweet Christmas!” bellowing do-gooder. Check out the trailer below for more badassery abounding!

In the scant 90 seconds we saw, Colter has shown to be even more comfortable with the quiet, yet determined, presence he exuded in Jessica Jones. Add some ODB playing in the background in the midst of a firefight that Luke manages handily and it looks as Luke Cage is being treated with the same level of phenomenal care as the rest of Marvel and Netflix’s series.

The first season of Luke Cage, starring Mike Colter, hits Netflix on September 30.