Gerry Duggan & David O’Sullivan on Digital Transparency in ANALOG Jed W. Keith Mar 22, 2018 Comic Books The proliferation of technology and the rapidity with which it has advanced in the last couple decades have alternately expanded and narrowed our...
Comics to Feed Your Eyeholes for August 9, 2017 Jed W. Keith Aug 8, 2017 Comic Books Wednesday is New Comic Book Day, the comic fan’s holy day of the week! Here are a few books that have us doing a happy dance this week. Mister...
Jordie Bellaire on Witches & the South in REDLANDS Jed W. Keith Jul 12, 2017 Comic Books The American south has a history and soul to it unlike any that can be found anywhere else in the United States. Perhaps that's why so many writers...
“One part superheroes, one part neo-noir P.I., and all parts sass” — Kelly Thompson Talks HAWKEYE Jed W. Keith Jun 16, 2017 Comic Books With Hawkeye, writer Kelly Thompson has taken superhero archer Kate Bishop back to Los Angeles to start up her own private eye firm Hawkeye...
10Out of 10 Review: HAWKEYE #7 Jed W. Keith Jun 13, 2017 Comic Reviews Review: Hawkeye #7 "Hawkeye #7 demonstrates once again that the creative team has a keen grasp of who their characters are and where they want...
9Out of 10 Review: HAWKEYE #6 Jed W. Keith May 25, 2017 Comic Reviews Review: Hawkeye #6 "Hawkeye #6 is the perfect alchemy of private sleuthing and freaking dragons—who doesn’t love Sam Spade-style groundwork...
9Out of 10 Review: HAWKEYE #5 Jed W. Keith Apr 18, 2017 Comic Reviews Review: Hawkeye #5 "Hawkeye #5 gives readers a fun, hardboiled romp while slipping in a treatise about how we rise and fall relative to our...
8 C’est la Guerre Review: Rebels Vol. 1 Ensley Guffey May 26, 2016 Books, Comic Reviews, Uncategorized Despite a somewhat wobbly start, the first Rebels trade collection is a welcome addition to this correspondent’s war comics library, and features...
Exclusive Preview: VERTIGO SFX #4 Jed W. Keith Jan 22, 2016 Comic Books This Wednesday, Vertigo SFX #4, the final installment of Vertigo Comics' latest anthology series, hits newsstands, featuring short stories all...