This October, Fox will debut The Gifted, a new television series set in the X-Men universe, following a family on the run from the government after parents discover their child has the mutant gene. While Fox’s promos have been clear that this is a show that will focus on family and relationships and no actual appearances from the X-Men proper, there will be staples from the X-world showing up in The Gifted. Although we already knew that characters such as Polaris, Thunderbird, and Blink, Fox has released photos of those mutants and, damn, they look spot on. Check them out below, along with pics of their comic book counterparts for comparison.
Fox also released a pic of a new character named Eclipse, who seems to have energy absorption powers similar to the X-Men character Sunspot. Since many folks are hypothesizing that Eclipse = Sunspot, we’ll throw up a rendering of Sunspot from the comics.
The Gifted premieres October 2nd on Fox.
From the official series description:
Family adventure series THE GIFTED, from 20th Century Fox Television in association with Marvel Television, tells the story of a suburban couple whose ordinary lives are rocked by the sudden discovery that their children possess mutant powers. Forced to go on the run from a hostile government, the family joins up with an underground network of mutants and must fight to survive. Written by Matt Nix (APB, “Burn Notice”), directed by Bryan Singer (the “X-Men” franchise”) and executive-produced by Nix, Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner (“X-Men: Apocalypse,” “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “The Wolverine”), Simon Kinberg (“X-Men: Apocalypse,” “X-Men: Days of Future Past”), Jeph Loeb (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “Marvel’s Jessica Jones”) and Jim Chory (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “Marvel’s Jessica Jones”), the series stars Stephen Moyer (SHOTS FIRED), Amy Acker (“Person of Interest”), Sean Teale (“Reign”), Jamie Chung (GOTHAM), Coby Bell (“Burn Notice”), Emma Dumont (“Aquarius”), Blair Redford (“Satisfaction”), Natalie Alyn Lind (GOTHAM) and Percy Hynes White (“Night at the Museum 3”).