The events of last year’s Hellfire Gala left the X-Men decimated after a devastating attack by the mutant-hating organization known as Orchis. Several X-Men were wounded or lost their lives, including the newly-chosen core team members of Cannonball, Prodigy, Dazzler, Frenzy, and Jubilee. Marvel Comics solicitations have teased for some time that there might be a second life for these characters in a new miniseries titled Dead X-Men. And just today, Marvel released preview pages of the first issue, debuting next Wednesday, from writer Steve Foxe and artists Bernard Chang, Jonas Scharf, and Vincenzo Carratu, with a cover by Pere Perez! Check them out below!
Dead X-Men #1 goes on sale Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from Marvel Comics.
From the official issue description:
DEATH WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING! When the world turned against Krakoa, these five mutants lost their lives…but their mission as X-Men is just getting started. To preserve Xavier’s dream, they must accomplish the impossible – or die again trying! Spinning out from RISE OF THE POWERS OF X, discover…who are the DEAD X-MEN?!