While Scrubs–the sitcom/occasional dramedy starring Zach Braff, Donald Faison, John C. McGinley, and Sarah Chalke–may have aired a couple seasons too long, it was undeniably one of the more experimental comedies of its time and led the way for such cult classics as Community and Arrested Development. That’s why it’s heartening to see that the series is getting the well-deserved Funko Pop! treatment!
Now you can recreate some of the series’ most iconic scenes, many of which include McGinley’s Dr. Cox verbally berating Braff’s J.D. But it only works if you get McGinley’s verbal dexterity and knack for spitting out several lines of cutting dialogue at a time, so get to practicing!
You can try your hand at it when the Scrubs Pops hit in January!
From the official press release:
Pay a visit to Sacred Heart Hospital where Pop! J.D. and Turk work on the ultimate bromance, Pop! Dr. Cox will probably yell at you and you might overhear Pop! Elliot use her favorite bad word(“frick”). But don’t worry, you’re in good hands… these doctors have hearts of gold.