This Wednesday, Cyborg #8, written by John Semper, Jr. with Tony Kordos and Paul Pelletier on art, hits newsstands, featuring Vic Stone relying on a luckless thief to switch Cyborg back on and back in business. Check out these preview pages that DC Comics was kind enough to share!
Cyborg #8, written by John Semper, Jr. with Tony Kordos and Paul Pelletier on art, is on sale this Wednesday from DC Comics.
From the official issue description:
“Kill Switch”! Cyborg has been deactivated! Now, Vic Stone must rely on help from the outside to break into S.T.A.R. Labs and switch the Justice Leaguer back on. But can Cyborg rely on a clever but luckless streetwise thief whose only claim to fame is an arrest record a mile long?