This Friday, the digital-first 39th chapter of DC Comics Bombshells, written by Marguerite Bennett with Mirka Andolfo on art, will hit the web, with the Batgirls in the clutches of the Penguin. Check out these preview pages that DC was kind enough to share!
DC Comics Bombshells continues to be a jubilant series, impossible to read without a smile crawling across your face. Bennett’s dialogue is snappy and era-appropriate, which is no small feat, given how much slang and tone have to be balanced evenly. Andolfo’s linework couples with Bennett’s plot to add an element of lightness and bubbliness to even the most tense of scenes. It’s just a delight all-around and well worth checking out!
Chapter 39 of DC Comics Bombshells, with Marguerite Bennett on words and Mirka Andolfo on art, hits the web on Friday from DC Comics.
From the official chapter description:
Captured by the Penguin, the Batgirls struggle to rescue Harvey Dent as Lois Lane races to combat their newest foe-KILLER FROST! Batgirls part 3 of 3.