Last month, writer Jason Aaron and artists Jesus Saiz and Paul Azaceta concluded their tale of Frank Castle–better known as Marvel Comics‘ brutal vigilante The Punisher–leaving the man in a very different place than when they started their story. In the course of their epic, Castle had become the Fist of the Beast, and planned to use the shadow organization known The Hand to wage a final war on crime. However, by the end of the comic’s final issue in June, The Punisher‘s resurrected wife leaves him, he gives up his war on crime and severs ties with The Hand, and makes his way to the realm known as Weirdworld to begin a new life.
But Marvel always has a Punisher and who that will be was left uncertain. However, next week’s San Diego Comic-Con looks to remove that ambiguity. Just today, The House of Ideas announced via press release and preview art that the identity of The Punisher will be revealed at SDCC at the Marvel: Heroes, Hulks, and Super-Soldiers Panel on Friday, July 21st at 3:00 PM. Check out the beautiful promotional art by Rod Reis below: