Interview: Danny Pudi on Abed’s Growth in COMMUNITY Season 6 Jed W. Keith Mar 26, 2015 TV Danny Pudi has been playing movie aficionado and sometimes-brutally honest aspiring filmmaker Abed Nadir for five seasons on Community. As the...
Jim Rash Dean-lightfully Discusses COMMUNITY’s Dean Jed W. Keith Mar 24, 2015 TV Community season six is now in its third episode over at its new home on Yahoo! Screen and is continuing to press on with some of the best...
9Out of 10 Review: COMMUNITY Episode 6.3: “Basic Crisis Room Decorum” Jed W. Keith Mar 24, 2015 TV A lot of the process of growing up has to do with balancing the desire to change one’s environment and surroundings and accepting that environment...
9Out of 10 Review: COMMUNITY Episode 6.2: “Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal Care” Jed W. Keith Mar 17, 2015 TV One of the hallmarks of Community is that, throughout its past five seasons, it’s always been a show about broken people who know they’re broken...
9.5Out of 10 Review: COMMUNITY Episode 6.1: “Ladders” Jed W. Keith Mar 16, 2015 TV “How much can you improve Greendale before it stops being Greendale?” That’s the question Abed (Danny Pudi) asks Greendale Community...
Dean-lightful! Yahoo Releases New COMMUNITY Trailer Jed W. Keith Mar 3, 2015 TV Season 6 of Community begins in just two weeks and Yahoo! Screen wants you to get as jazzed as Abed...
Pop Pop! COMMUNITY’s Other Beloved Students Jed W. Keith Mar 1, 2015 TV Community returns this March to remind us that life is whimsical and worth living, premiering on its new home of Yahoo! Screen. While we all like the...
Go Back to College for a Dan Harmon Lesson Jed W. Keith Oct 8, 2014 TV Until I started watching NBC’s (now Yahoo! Screen’s) Community during its premiere episode in 2009, I had no idea what a “Showrunner” was,...
Hey Look, It’s a COMMUNITY Season 6 Trailer! (Kinda) Jed W. Keith Aug 15, 2014 TV Back in June, when all seemed lost for Community, the show that has more lives than Ken Jeong’s Senor Chang, Yahoo! and its on-demand streaming...
Jed Says Goodbye to ‘Community’ Jed W. Keith May 18, 2014 TV A week after the cancellation of NBC's Community, FreakSugar's resident superfan, Jed Waters Harris-Keith wanted to share why the series was so...