We fell in love with the inaugural issue of writer Melissa F. Olson and artist Sally Cantirino’s new series Archaic, debuting last month from AHOY Comics, and continue to be enthralled with every page and piece of art that passes our eyes. (Check out our interview with Olson about the book!) For folks who haven’t yet checked out the comic–and you should really get on that!–Archaic follows Tess, a down-on-her-luck single mom attempting to keep herself and her kids afloat while also dealing with the consequences of her ex-husband’s shady dealings. If you love to cheer on the underdog as they wrestle with old gods–real or otherwise–Archaic could be your next favorite read.

That’s why we’re please and honored to offer an exclusive preview of Cantirino’s surreal and captivating covers to Archaic issues #4 and 5! And if you like what you see–and, again, why wouldn’t you?–today is the final order cutoff for Archaic #3, so get on the horn with your local comic shop to reserve your copy!

Here are the covers for issues #4 and #5:


ARCHAIC #4 cover by Sally Cantirino


ARCHAIC #5 cover by Sally Cantirino


Archaic #4 goes on sale March 19, 2025, and #5 goes on sale April 23, 2025, from AHOY Comics.

From the official issue descriptions:


(W) Melissa F. Olson

(A) Sally Cantirino

Cover: Sally Cantirino

This fantasy saga from acclaimed novelist Melissa F. Olson takes a sharp turn as we learn the startling history of the island of Demonde! Making a deal with the devil is tricky—but making a deal with an ancient god can be downright disastrous.


(W) Melissa F. Olson

(A) Sally Cantirino

Cover: Sally Cantirino

Non-stop action in the final issue as an alliance is formed, a long-made promise is kept, and Tess learns that sometimes family can be monsters—literally.