The immortal mutant known as Apocalypse played an integral part in the “Krakoan Age” in Marvel Comics’ X-Men titles for past few years. However, as that age comes to a close and Apocalypse goes on to rule elsewhere, he’s set out on a mission to choose an heir to his earthly throne. Who he’ll choose will play out this summer in the four-issue Marvel Comics miniseries X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse, written by Steve Foxe with art by Netho Diaz.



Marvel has already released the list of the twelve mutants who will compete for the title of the new Apocalypse:

Armageddon Girl



Emma Frost



The Gorgon

Mister Sinister




Wolverine/Laura Kinney

The choices are interesting, both in terms of various types of powers the mutants possess, as well as the personal associations some of the candidates (including Cable and Mister Sinister). It’ll be intriguing to see how and why these specific mutants were selected.

The number 12 is a recurring number in X-Men lore, especially connected with Apocalypse, as notably seen in “The Twelve” crossover storyline in the year 2000. That arc pitted Apocalypse against the “List of Twelve,” which also included Cable, along with such mutants as Cyclops, Phoenix, Iceman, and Charles Xavier. Could this story be given a nod in Heir of Apocalypse? We’re betting no, but it’d be fun to see a wink at that tale.


Cover art for the collected parts of “The Twelve” storyline for the year 2000


X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #1 debuts next month on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, from Marvel Comics. Check out the press release for issue #1 below as well as the comic’s cover by Dotun Akande!

For centuries, Apocalypse tested the mutants of Earth to guarantee that only the strong would survive. Now, as he takes his throne on Arakko, another must rise in his place and ensure the mutants of Earth do not grow weak in his absence! Twelve mutants chosen from the X-Men’s greatest heroes – and villains – will compete for the honor, but only one can become…the HEIR OF APOCALYPSE!


X-MEN: HEIR OF APOCALYPSE #1 cover by Dotun Akande