Marvel Comics‘ gamma goliath The Hulk is a character that lends itself to horror, so it’s puzzling that more creators don’t lean into that more often. Al Ewing‘s The Immortal Hulk title ran with mixing elements of heroics and horror to compelling, terrifying results. Hulk Annual #1–from writer David Pepose, artist Caio Majado, colorist Edgar Delgado, and letterer Cory Petit–are running with that and adding another component: documentary filmmaking. For a taste of the unnerving horror, check out the following preview pages from Marvel!


HULK Annual #1 (2023) cover

HULK Annual #1 (2023) page 1

HULK Annual #1 (2023) page 2

HULK Annual #1 (2023) page 3

HULK Annual #1 (2023) page 4

HULK Annual #1 (2023) page 5



Hulk Annual #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

From the official issue description: