10Out of 10 Bite-Sized Review: TIMELESS #1 (2022) Jed W. Keith Jan 15, 2023 Comic Reviews Review: Timeless #1 (2022) "Anyone who’s excited for what’s to come with Kang needs to give this comic a read." Timeless #1...
Exclusive Preview: ROGUE & GAMBIT #5 Jed W. Keith Apr 30, 2018 Comic Books If there's ever been a case that a case that a Rogue & Gambit ongoing series could work and work well, it's been the current miniseries by the...
10Out of 10 A Unique Therapy Session Highlights ROGUE & GAMBIT #4 Jed W. Keith Apr 4, 2018 Comic Reviews X-Men members Rogue and Gambit have had an often tumultuous relationship since the two first met in the X-books decades ago. The two have...