Pop Culture Characters Who Would Clean Up at the Olympics Jed W. Keith Aug 6, 2016 Comic Books The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio officially kicked off last night with the Opening Ceremony, a choreographed light show depicting the rise of...
Fanthropology: Sanctioning Fan Works Sean Kleefeld Jun 27, 2016 Lifestyle The big news in fandoms lately has been that CBS and Paramount, joint owners of the Star Trek franchise, announced that, counter to their recent...
Fanthropology: Bootleg Fandom Sean Kleefeld Jan 25, 2016 Lifestyle If you've gone to a convention or shopped around online for any length of time, you've probably run across some merchandise featuring your favorite...
Fanthropology: Fan Filming Sean Kleefeld Jan 11, 2016 Lifestyle The notion of fan films goes back pretty much to the beginning of film itself. Thomas Edison himself famously filmed "a liberal adaptation of Mrs....
We Are Spock: Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015 Steve Ekstrom Feb 28, 2015 TV You never want to wake up to the news that someone has passed away--especially if it's someone that's been in your life for as long as you can...
Bling Where No One Has Blinged Before with Star Trek Jewelry Jed W. Keith Oct 15, 2014 Style As the superstores seem to remind us earlier and earlier every year, Christmas is fast approaching. (Seriously, next year I expect Walmart and Target...