It’s a bright, shiny, NEW COMICS DAY and that means I’ve got another Top 10 Comics Of The Week video with which to spew my opinions of the best funnybooks to hit the shelves! Image Comics‘ Invincible #118 is the king of the hill this go-around thanks to the continually excellent Ryan Ottley art, the fantastic character-development (Mark finally confesses what’s been bothering him so badly), a multi-page poop joke, and a 25 cent cover price! that’s a helluva value!
This week’s Top 10 Comics List in full:
10. Batman Eternal #51
9. The Sixth Gun #47
8. Suiciders #2
7. Rumble #4
6. Multiversity: Ultra Comics
5. The Walking Dead #139
4. Daredevil #14
3. Wytches #5
2. The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #2
1. Invincible #118
Check out the video in the above pop-up player, or if you’re having trouble HERE is the direct link.
Do you agree with the Top 10 Comics of the Week list? Was there something I missed? Does it make you wanna puke all over your keyboard thanks to a blaring omission– a travesty of comic book justice?! Well, sound off in the comments!
Video shot, edited, and cradled like a dumpster baby by: Tyler Whitaker