Geoffrey Golden & Lee Keeler on the WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER: FANTASY CAMP Kickstarter Jed W. Keith Apr 24, 2017 Tabletop Last year, Netflix dropped the Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp miniseries, the follow-up to the original cult classic film. While we’ll...
Fanthropology: Whither Pokémon Go Sean Kleefeld Jul 18, 2016 Lifestyle, Mobile, Nintendo Well, it seems almost impossible to have a column about fans and fan activity, and not mention Pokémon Go. The game launched earlier this month and...
10 Review: DOOM Clint Mize May 18, 2016 Game Reviews, PC, PlayStation, Video Games, Xbox id Software rips and tears apart any naysayers who might scoff about a soft reboot for "DOOM." This is a game that races circles around modern FPSs...
10 Review: DARK SOULS 3 Clint Mize Apr 14, 2016 Game Reviews, PC, PlayStation, Video Games, Xbox "Dark Souls 3 is every bit the best final song to a series that has captured thousands of loyal fans." Dark Souls III Platform(s): PC, PS4,...
This Year’s D.I.C.E. Awards to Feature Homage Video to Gaming from NoodleHaus Jed W. Keith Feb 17, 2016 Video Games This Thursday, for its nineteenth year, the D.I.C.E. Awards will once again pay tribute to the video gaming industry, honoring the games and talent...
7 Review: FALLOUT 4 (PS4) — Wandering the Wasteland Wonderland Clint Mize Nov 18, 2015 Game Reviews, PC, PlayStation, Video Games, Xbox "Bethesda often chooses the full nuclear option with their games. Rather than a tight, cohesive and polished experience, they go for pure volume....
Video Game Voice and Motion-Capture Actor Panel Announced for Long Beach Comic Con! Jed W. Keith Sep 3, 2015 Video Games The Joker and Mordor are coming to Long Beach! LBCC 2015 Anyone who has any familiarity with or knowledge of voice acting for video games and...
Exclusive Preview: BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT – GENESIS #1 Jed W. Keith Aug 24, 2015 Comic Books, Video Games This Wednesday, Batman: Arkham Knight - Genesis #1, written by Peter J. Tomasi with Alison Borges on art, hits the newsstands, starring the...
Better Nostalgia Fuel than PIXELS Jed W. Keith Jul 26, 2015 Video Games Pixels, the action/comedy film inspired, in part, by 1980s video games, hit theaters nationwide this weekend. Starring Adam Sandler (Punch Drunk...
8Out of 10 Review: MORTAL KOMBAT X — A Bloody Good Time Clint Mize Apr 16, 2015 Game Reviews, PC, PlayStation, Video Games, Xbox "After the outstanding reboot with MK9, NetherRealms delivers another one-two punch with the latest addition. Mortal Kombat X may stumble through a...