Actually, make that two people who shared a dream. A dream so big that it would become your nightmare. Of course, I’m talking about the unholy union of two of the most frustratingly addicting games to have been created in recent memory. Flappy Bird, that controversial title that was mocked and played ironically, and 2048, the mathematical equivalent of a slide puzzle from hell, have been merged together.
Boredom and frustration. Meet Flappy48 or, if you prefer, Flappy 2048. Both are a bit silly but essentially mix the undulating, pipe-dodging game with the multiplication puzzle pretty well. If I had to choose one over the other, I’d say Flappy48 “gets it” better by creating more of a challenge with super long chains of numbers. But really both are annoying as hell. If you have a few seconds (or hours) give them a try. Though, we’re not liable for the eventual broken monitor that will result from playing.