Marvel’s Doctor Strange flagship title has enjoyed a renaissance of late, starting with writer Jason Aaron and artist Chris Bachalo’s highly inventive and joyous recent run on the series. In those issues, the creative team reduced the proliferation of magic in the Marvel universe significantly, prompting the Sorcerer Supreme to have to scramble and test his mettle in a world where he can no longer call on the mystic to counter every threat. This November, the House of Ideas looks to continue pushing Doctor Strange’s world to newer heights and unexplored territory when writer Donny Cates and artist Gabriel Hernandez take over the title with issue #27–introducing Loki, the Norse god of mischief, as the new Sorcerer Supreme.
How and why Loki wrests the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from Doctor Strange remains to be seen. Does it have to do with the aforementioned reduction in the world’s magic, leaving the good doctor more susceptible to Loki’s machinations? Has Doctor Strange been deemed unworthy to hold the title as this realm’s protector from supernatural threats? For that matter, what are Loki’s motivators? He’s been depicted in recent years falling both on the sides of light and dark, so it’s up in the air as to whether his actions here are altruistic.
As always, it’s a “wait-and-see” game, but with Cates–who has experience writing about the macabre and the magical in such books as his Image series Redneck–at the helm, the ride should be an interesting one.
Donny Cates and Gabriel Hernandez being their run on Doctor Strange with issue #27, hitting this November.
From the official press release:
Marvel Entertainment is excited to announce that writer Donny Cates, who has brought his talent to comic powerhouses such as Image (God Country, Redneck), IDW (Star Trek), and Dark Horse (The Paybacks, Ghost Fleet, Buzzkill), will now bring his explosive storytelling to Marvel in an exclusive agreement.
“I’ve wanted to write for Marvel since I was a little kid, so the opportunity to come into this incredible world and play with all of these amazing characters is a dream come true for me,” said Cates. “Everyone at Marvel has been great to work with, and we’ve put our collective heads together to make some really special stories for the fans. I’ve never been more excited to tell the stories that I’m telling today. I feel like a kid again. Albeit a kid who is inflicting…just terrible things upon all your favorite characters.”
Today, Marvel can also reveal that Cates, along with artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta, will be the new creative team on DOCTOR STRANGE taking over the title in November. And with this new team comes a new Sorcerer Supreme- Loki, the Norse god of Mischief!
“There’s a new sheriff in town…and he’s not really the trustworthy type,” Cates teased. “That’s right, kids…Loki has taken the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from our good Doctor! What does that mean for Stephen? And what lengths will Strangego to see his title and his home returned to him? I’ll say this….you can guess all you like, but there is absolutely no way anyone will see the answers to these questions coming. As a dedicated Marvel fan myself, I can confidently say the events of this arc are some of the most shocking things in Marvel comics to date. I’m so excited to see what everyone thinks!”
Exclusively at Marvel, Cates is prepared to bring his powerhouse ideas and sharp approach to the heroic, well-known characters of the Marvel Universe.
“Donny brings big ideas to the table, and that’s going to be immediately apparent in his first projects,” said Marvel EIC, Axel Alonso. “We expect him to be a major contributor to the Marvel Universe’s evolution in the coming year…and beyond.”