50 Years Later, Inventor of “Operation” Seeks Crowdfunding Aid Matt Morgan Oct 23, 2014 Tabletop Let's be clear, there is a lot of noise on the internet when it comes to fundraising. However, if you can wade through the sea of crowdfunded games...
Imperial Assault: Two Star Wars Games, One Box Matt Morgan Oct 16, 2014 Tabletop The past few days have seen a flurry of news regarding Star Wars: Imperial Assault, the forthcoming Fantasy Flight Games aiming to be one part...
Games Meet Black Friday With AEG Mystery Box Matt Morgan Oct 15, 2014 Tabletop Two major trends seem to be occurring when it comes to America's most/least favorite shopping holiday, Black Friday: news comes earlier and earlier...
8Out of 10 Review: ALIEN: ISOLATION Clint Mize Oct 9, 2014 Game Reviews, PC, PlayStation, Xbox ALIEN: Isolation's mixture of methodical pacing, coupled with brilliant atmospheric touches, envelops you into its world. When you let go and allow...
Quan Chi Returns For MORTAL KOMBAT X Clint Mize Oct 2, 2014 PC, PlayStation, Xbox The dimension-manipulating undead overlord wizard puppet-master brings the pain to Mortal Kombat X. Slowly the roster is rolling out for the...
7Out of 10 Review: HYRULE WARRIORS Clint Mize Sep 25, 2014 Game Reviews, Nintendo "Hyrule Warriors is exactly what you think it is - an odd genre mash-up that works perfectly for its scope."Hyrule Warriors Platform(s): Wii...
6Out of 10 Review: DESTINY (PS4) Clint Mize Sep 14, 2014 Game Reviews, PlayStation, Xbox "DESTINY, at launch, is a beautiful but empty experience. Bungie has provided a shell of game that might one day be filled with content; but as it...
GTA V Steals Date For PS4, Xbox One Clint Mize Sep 12, 2014 PC, PlayStation, Xbox It's always sunny in beautiful San Andreas. And it's about to get even brighter. Well, except for the hail of bullets and shrapnel due to a heist...
8.5Out of 10 Review: DIABLO III: ULTIMATE EVIL EDITION (Xbox One) Charles Webb Sep 9, 2014 Game Reviews, PlayStation, Xbox A largely negligible story coupled with technically perfect gameplay make this console port of Diablo III the perfect "podcast game": something to...
Holy BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT Collector’s Edition, Batman! Clint Mize Sep 8, 2014 PC, PlayStation, Xbox Is your desk space not cluttered enough with toys, statues, busts, and other memorabilia of your favorite hobbies? Is your drawers, shelves, and...